Our products for sale include:
- Hazel hurdles to any size. These can be supplied ready-made or made and erected on site which enables us to create a continuous hurdle, varying height and direction as needed.
- Traditional three-legged stools. The legs are made from coppice ash or sycamore from our woods and the solid tops are from trees from the immediate area - mainly oak, ash or beech.
- Four-legged stools and dining chairs with the seats made of woven elm bark.
- Birch besoms
- Woven willow planters
- Bird tables
- Bird feeders
- Garden furniture
We are always pleased to discuss your exact needs to see if we can make exactly what you want.
Remember that Bodfari Environmental run Woodland, Greenwood and Coppice Courses on which you can learn to make most of the products we produce. If you have the time, it's more fun to make your own!